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Default Passwords and ports

Here you can find a list of the default configurations for IOTstack for quick referece.

A word of caution

While it is convienent to leave passwords and ports set to their factory value, for security reasons we strongly encourage you to use a randomly generated password for services that require passwords, and/or setup a reverse nginx proxy to require authentication before proxying to services. Only allowing connections originating from LAN or VPN is another way to help secure your services. Security requires a multi-pronged approach.

Do note that the ports listed are not all of the ports containers use. They are mearly the WUI ports.

List of defaults

Service Name Default Username Default Password Default External HTTP/S WUI Port Multiple Passwords
adminer none none 9080 No
blynk_server none none 8180 No
deconz none IOtSt4ckDec0nZ 8090 No
diyhue none none 8070 No
domoticz none none 8883 No
dozzle none none 8889 No
esphome admin random 6052 No
espruinohub none none none No
gitea none none 7920 No
grafana none none 3000 No
home_assistant none none 8123 No
homebridge none none 4040 No
influxdb none none none Yes
mariadb mariadbuser IOtSt4ckmariaDbPw none Yes
mosquitto none none none No
motioneye none none 8765 No
nextcloud none none 9321 No
nodered nodered nodered 1880 No
openhab none none 4050 No
pihole none IOtSt4ckP1Hol3 8089 No
plex none none none No
portainer none none 9002 No
portainer-ce none none 9001 No
postgres postuser IOtSt4ckpostgresDbPw none Yes
python none none none No
rtl_433 none none none No
tasmoadmin none none 8088 No
telegraf none none none No
timescaledb timescaleuser IOtSt4ckTim3Scale none No
transmission none none 9091 No
webthingsio_gateway none none 4060 No
zigbee2mqtt none none none No
zigbee2mqtt_assistant none none none No


random - a random password is autogenerated. Check docker-compose.yml for what it actually is.