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Significant files

├── .templates
│   └── nodered
│       └── service.yml ❶
├── services
│   └── nodered
│       ├── Dockerfile ❷
│       └── service.yml ❸
├── docker-compose.yml ❹
└── volumes
    └── nodered ❺
        ├── data ❻
        └── ssh ❼
  1. Template service definition.
  2. The Dockerfile.
  3. Working service definition (old-menu only, copied from ❶).
  4. The Compose file (includes ❶)
  5. Persistent storage area.
  6. Data directory (mapped volume).
  7. SSH directory (mapped volume).

How Node-RED gets built for IOTstack

Node-RED source code (GitHub)

The source code for Node-RED lives at GitHub node-red/node-red-docker.

Node-RED images (DockerHub)

Periodically, the source code is recompiled and pushed to nodered/node-red on DockerHub. There's a lot of stuff at that page but it boils down to variations on two basic themes:

  • images with a suffix like -10, -12 or -14; and
  • images without a numeric suffix.

The suffixes refer to the version of "Node.js" installed when the image was built. In the case of images without a numeric suffix:

  • If the version of Node-RED is 1.3.x then a suffix of -10 is implied. In other words, Node.js defaults to version 10.
  • If the version of Node-RED is 2.x.x then a suffix of -14 is implied. In other words, Node.js defaults to version 14.

As you will see a bit further down, the current default for IOTstack is an image tag of latest-12 which means Node-RED 2.x.x with Node.js version 12.

IOTstack menu

When you select Node-RED in the IOTstack menu, the template service definition is copied into the Compose file.

Under old menu, it is also copied to the working service definition and then not really used.

You choose add-on nodes from a supplementary menu. We recommend accepting the default nodes, and adding others that you think you are likely to need. Node-RED will not build if you do not select at least one add-on node.

Key points:

  • Under new menu, you must press the right arrow to access the supplementary menu. Under old menu, the list of add-on nodes is displayed automatically.
  • Do not be concerned if you can't find an add-on node you need in the list. You can also add nodes via Manage Palette once Node-RED is running. See adding extra nodes.

Choosing add-on nodes in the menu causes the Dockerfile to be created.

IOTstack first run

On a first install of IOTstack, you are told to do this:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose up -d

docker-compose reads the Compose file. When it arrives at the nodered fragment, it finds:

    container_name: nodered
    build: ./services/nodered/.

The build statement tells docker-compose to look for:


The Dockerfile begins with:

FROM nodered/node-red:latest-12


  • IOTstack switched to the -12 suffix in March 2021. Existing IOTstack installations will not update unless you re-create the service from its template, or hand-edit the Dockerfile.

The FROM statement tells the build process to pull down the latest base image from DockerHub.

It is a base image in the sense that it never actually runs as a container on your Raspberry Pi.

The remaining instructions in the Dockerfile customise the base image to produce a local image. The local image is instantiated to become your running container.


  1. During the build you may see warnings and deprecation notices. You may also see messages about "vulnerabilities" along with recommendations to run npm audit fix. You should ignore all such messages. There is no need to take any action.
  2. If SQLite is in your list of nodes, be aware that it needs to be compiled from its source code. It takes a long time, outputs an astonishing number of warnings and, from time to time, will look as if it has gotten stuck. Be patient.

    Acknowledgement: Successful installation of the SQLite node is thanks to @fragolinux.

When you run the docker images command after Node-RED has been built, you may see two rows for Node-RED:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
iotstack_nodered         latest              b0b21a97b8bb        4 days ago          462MB
nodered/node-red         latest              deb99584fa75        5 days ago          385MB
  • nodered/node-red is the base image; and
  • iotstack_nodered is the local image. The local image is the one that is instantiated to become the running container.

You may see the same pattern in Portainer, which reports the base image as "unused":


You should not remove the base image, even though it appears to be unused.

Whether you see one or two rows depends on the version of docker-compose you are using and how your version of docker-compose builds local images.

Securing Node-RED

Setting an encryption key for your credentials

After you install Node-RED, you should set an encryption key. Completing this step will silence the warning you will see when you run:

$ docker logs nodered
Your flow credentials file is encrypted using a system-generated key.

If the system-generated key is lost for any reason, your credentials
file will not be recoverable, you will have to delete it and re-enter
your credentials.

You should set your own key using the 'credentialSecret' option in
your settings file. Node-RED will then re-encrypt your credentials
file using your chosen key the next time you deploy a change.

Setting an encryption key also means that any credentials you create will be portable, in the sense that you can backup Node-RED on one machine and restore it on another.

The encryption key can be any string. For example, if you have UUID support installed (sudo apt install -y uuid-runtime), you could generate a UUID as your key:

$ uuidgen

Once you have defined your encryption key, use sudo and your favourite text editor to open this file:


Search for credentialSecret:

    //credentialSecret: "a-secret-key",

Un-comment the line and replace a-secret-key with your chosen key. Do not remove the comma at the end of the line. The result should look something like this:

    credentialSecret: "2deb50d4-38f5-4ab3-a97e-d59741802e2d",

Save the file and then restart Node-RED:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose restart nodered

Setting a username and password for Node-RED

To secure Node-RED you need a password hash. Run the following command, replacing PASSWORD with your own password:

$ docker exec nodered node -e "console.log(require('bcryptjs').hashSync(process.argv[1], 8));" PASSWORD

You will get an answer that looks something like this:


Copy that text to your clipboard, then follow the instructions at Node-RED User Guide - Securing Node-RED - Username & Password-based authentication.

Referring to other containers

Node-RED can run in two modes. By default, it runs in "non-host mode" but you can also move the container to "host mode" by editing the Node-RED service definition in your Compose file to:

  1. Add the following directive:

    network_mode: host
  2. Remove the ports directive and the mapping of port 1880.

When Node-RED is not in host mode

Most examples on the web assume Node-RED and other services in the MING (Mosquitto, InfluxDB, Node-RED, Grafana) stack have been installed natively, rather than in Docker containers. Those examples typically include the loopback address + port syntax, like this:

The loopback address will not work when Node-RED is in non-host mode. This is because each container behaves like a self-contained computer. The loopback address means "this container". It does not mean "this Raspberry Pi".

You refer to other containers by their container name. For example, a flow subscribing to an MQTT feed provided by the mosquitto container uses:


Similarly, if a flow writes to an InfluxDB database maintained by the influxdb container, the flow uses:


Behind the scenes, Docker maintains a table similar to an /etc/hosts file mapping container names to the IP addresses on the internal bridged network that are assigned, dynamically, by Docker when it spins up each container.

When Node-RED is in host mode

This is where you use loopback+port syntax, such as the following to communicate with Mosquitto:

What actually occurs is that Docker is listening to external port 1883 on behalf of Mosquitto. It receives the packet and routes it (layer three) to the internal bridged network, performing network address translation (NAT) along the way to map the external port to the internal port. Then the packet is delivered to Mosquitto. The reverse happens when Mosquitto replies. It works but is less efficient than when all containers are in non-host mode.

GPIO Access

To communicate with your Raspberry Pi's GPIO you need to do the following:

  1. Install dependencies:

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install pigpio python-pigpio python3-pigpio
  2. Install the node-red-node-pi-gpiod node. See Adding extra nodes. It allows you to connect to multiple Pis from the same Node-RED service.

  3. Make sure that the pigpdiod daemon is running. The recommended method is listed here. In essence, you need to:

    • Use sudo to edit /etc/rc.local;
    • Before the exit 0 statement, insert the line:

    • Reboot.

    You can also pass parameters to pigpiod to secure the service. See the writeup for further instructions.

  4. Drag a gpio node onto the canvas and configure it using the IP address of your Raspberry Pi (eg Don't try to use because that is the loopback address of the Node-RED container.

Sharing files between Node-RED and the Raspberry Pi

Containers run in a sandboxed environment. A process running inside a container can't see the Raspberry Pi's file system. Neither can a process running outside a container access files inside the container.

This presents a problem if you want write to a file outside a container, then read from it inside the container, or vice-versa.

IOTstack containers have been set up with shared volume mappings. Each volume mapping associates a specific directory in the Raspberry Pi file system with a specific directory inside the container. If you write to files in a shared directory (or one of its sub-directories), both the host and the container can see the same sub-directories and files.

Key point:

  • Files and directories in the shared volume are persistent between restarts. If you save your data anywhere else inside the container, it will be lost when the container is rebuilt.

The Node-RED service definition in the Compose file includes the following:

  - ./volumes/nodered/data:/data

That decomposes into:

  • external path = ./volumes/nodered/data
  • internal path = /data

The leading "." on the external path implies "the folder containing the Compose file so it actually means:

  • external path = ~/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data
  • internal path = /data

If you write to the internal path from inside the Node-RED container, the Raspberry Pi will see the results at the external path, and vice versa. Example:

$ docker exec -it nodered bash
# echo "The time now is $(date)" >/data/example.txt
# cat /data/example.txt 
The time now is Thu Apr  1 11:25:56 AEDT 2021
# exit
$ cat ~/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data/example.txt 
The time now is Thu Apr  1 11:25:56 AEDT 2021
$ sudo rm ~/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data/example.txt

In words:

  1. Open a shell into the Node-RED container. Two things happen:

    • You are now inside the container. Any commands you execute while in this shell are run inside the container; and
    • The prompt changes to a "#" indicating that you are running as the "root" user, meaning you don't need sudo for anything.
  2. Use the echo command to create a small file which embeds the current timestamp. The path is in the /data directory which is mapped to the Raspberry Pi's file system.

  3. Show that the file has been created inside the container.
  4. Exit the shell:
    • You can either type the exit command and press return, or press Control+D.
    • Exiting the shell drops you out of the container so the "$" prompt returns, indicating that you are outside the Node-Red container, running as a non-root user ("pi").
  5. Show that the same file can be seen from outside the container.
  6. Tidy-up by removing the file. You need sudo to do that because the persistent storage area at the external path is owned by root, and you are running as user "pi".

You can do the same thing from within a Node-RED flow.


The flow comprises:

  • An Inject node, wired to a Template node.

    • When an Inject node's input tab is clicked, it sets the message payload to the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 UTC and triggers the flow.
  • A Template node, wired to both a Debug node and a File node. The template field is set to:

    The time at the moment is {{payload}} seconds since 1/1/1970 UTC !
    • When this node runs, it replaces {{payload}} with the seconds value supplied by the Inject node.
  • A Debug node.

    • When this node runs, it displays the payload in the debug window on the right hand side of the Node-RED GUI.
  • A File node. The "Filename" field of the node is set to write to the path:

    • When this node runs, it writes the payload to the specified file. Remember that /data is an internal path within the Node-RED container.

Deploying the flow and clicking on the Inject node results in the debug message shown on the right hand side of the screen shot. The embedded terminal window shows that the same information is accessible from outside the container.

You can reverse this process. Any file you place within the path ~/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data can be read by a "File in" node.

Executing commands outside the Node-RED container

A reasonably common requirement in a Node-RED flow is the ability to execute a command on the host system. The standard tool for this is an "exec" node.

An "exec" node works as expected when Node-RED is running as a native service but not when Node-RED is running in a container. That's because the command spawned by the "exec" node runs inside the container.

To help you understand the difference, consider this command:

$ grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" /etc/os-release

When you run that command on a Raspberry Pi outside container-space, the answer is:

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"

If you run the same command inside a Node-RED container, the output will be:

PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.11"

The same thing will happen if a Node-RED "exec" node executes that grep command when Node-RED is running in a container. It will see the "Alpine Linux" answer.

Docker doesn't provide any mechanism for a container to execute an arbitrary command outside of its container. A workaround is to utilise SSH. This remainder of this section explains how to set up the SSH scaffolding so that "exec" nodes running in a Node-RED container can invoke arbitrary commands outside container-space.

Task Goal

Be able to use a Node-RED exec node to perform the equivalent of:



  • «HOSTNAME» is any host under your control (not just the Raspberry Pi running IOTstack); and
  • «COMMAND» is any command known to the target host.


These instructions are specific to IOTstack but the underlying concepts should apply to any installation of Node-RED in a Docker container.

Executing commands "inside" a container

These instructions make frequent use of the ability to run commands "inside" the Node-RED container. For example, suppose you want to execute:

$ grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" /etc/os-release

You have several options:

  1. You can do it from the normal Raspberry Pi command line using a Docker command. The basic syntax is:

    $ docker exec {-it} «containerName» «command and parameters»

    The actual command you would need would be:

    $ docker exec nodered grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" /etc/os-release


    • The -it flag is optional. It means "interactive terminal". Its presence tells Docker that the command may need user interaction, such as entering a password or typing "yes" to a question.
  2. You can open a shell into the container, run as many commands as you like inside the container, and then exit. For example:

    $ docker exec -it nodered bash
    # grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" /etc/os-release
    # whoami
    # exit

    In words:

    • Run the bash shell inside the Node-RED container. You need to be able to interact with the shell to type commands so the -it flag is required.
    • The "#" prompt is coming from bash running inside the container. It also signals that you are running as the root user inside the container.
    • You run the grep, whoami and any other commands.
    • You finish with the exit command (or Control+D).
    • The "$" prompt means you have left the container and are back at the normal Raspberry Pi command line.
  3. Run the command from Portainer by selecting the container, then clicking the ">_ console" link. This is identical to opening a shell.

Variable definitions

You will need to have a few concepts clear in your mind before you can set up SSH successfully. I use double-angle quote marks (guillemets) to mean "substitute the appropriate value here".

«HOSTNAME» (required)

The name of your Raspberry Pi. When you first booted your RPi, it had the name "raspberrypi" but you probably changed it using raspi-config. Example:


«HOSTADDR» (required)

Either or both of the following:

  • «HOSTFQDN» (optional)

    If you have a local Domain Name System server, you may have defined a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) for your Raspberry Pi. Example:


    • Docker's internal networks do not support multicast traffic. You can't use a multicast DNS name (eg "raspberrypi.local") as a substitute for a fully-qualified domain name.
  • «HOSTIP» (required)

    Even if you don't have a fully-qualified domain name, you will still have an IP address for your Raspberry Pi. Example:

    Keep in mind that a Raspberry Pi running IOTstack is operating as a server. A dynamic DHCP address is not appropriate for a server. The server's IP address needs to be fixed. The two standard approaches are:

    • a static DHCP assignment configured on your DHCP server (eg your router) which always returns the same IP address for a given MAC address; or
    • a static IP address configured on your Raspberry Pi.

«USERID» (required)

The user ID of the account on «HOSTNAME» where you want Node-RED flows to be able to run commands. Example:


Step 1: Generate SSH key-pair for Node-RED (one time)

Create a key-pair for Node-RED. This is done by executing the ssh-keygen command inside the container:

$ docker exec -it nodered ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -C "Node-RED container key-pair" -N ""


  • The "ed25519" elliptic curve algorithm is recommended (generally described as quicker and more secure than RSA) but you can use the default RSA algorithm if you prefer.
  • Respond to the "Enter file in which to save the key" prompt by pressing return to accept the default location.
  • If ssh-keygen displays an "Overwrite (y/n)?" message, it implies that a key-pair already exists. You will need to decide what to do:
    • press "y" to overwrite (and lose the old keys)
    • press "n" to terminate the command, after which you can investigate why a key-pair already exists.

Step 2: Exchange keys with target hosts (once per target host)

Node-RED's public key needs to be copied to the user account on each target machine where you want a Node-RED "exec" node to be able to execute commands. At the same time, the Node-RED container needs to learn the public host key of the target machine. The ssh-copy-id command does both steps. The required syntax is:

$ docker exec -it nodered ssh-copy-id «USERID»@«HOSTADDR»
  • Examples:

    $ docker exec -it nodered ssh-copy-id
    $ docker exec -it nodered ssh-copy-id pi@

The output will be something similar to the following:

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/root/.ssh/"
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:HVoeowZ1WTSG0qggNsnGwDA6acCd/JfVLZsNUv4hjNg.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? 

Respond to the prompt by typing "yes" and press return.

The output continues:

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
expr: warning: '^ERROR: ': using '^' as the first character
of a basic regular expression is not portable; it is ignored
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys's password: 
The response may look like it contains errors but those can be ignored.

Enter the password you use to login as «USERID» on «HOSTADDR» and press return.

Normal completion looks similar to this:

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with:   "ssh ''"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

If you do not see an indication that a key has been added, you may need to retrace your steps.

The output above recommends a test. The test needs to be run inside the Node-RED container so the syntax is:

$ docker exec -it nodered ssh «USERID»@«HOSTADDR» ls -1 /home/pi/IOTstack
  • Examples:

    $ docker exec -it nodered ssh ls -1 /home/pi/IOTstack
    $ docker exec -it nodered ssh pi@ ls -1 /home/pi/IOTstack

You should not be prompted for a password. If you are, you may need to retrace your steps.

If everything works as expected, you should see a list of the files in your IOTstack folder.

Assuming success, think about what just happened? You told SSH inside the Node-RED container to run the ls command outside the container on your Raspberry Pi. You broke through the containerisation.

Understanding what's where and what each file does

What files are where

Six files are relevant to Node-RED's ability to execute commands outside of container-space:

  • in /etc/ssh:

    • ssh_host_ed25519_key is the Raspberry Pi's private host key
    • is the Raspberry Pi's public host key

      Those keys were created when your Raspberry Pi was initialised. They are unique to the host.

      Unless you take precautions, those keys will change whenever your Raspberry Pi is rebuilt from scratch and that will stop SSH from working.

      You can recover by re-running ssh-copy-id.

  • in ~/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/ssh:

    • id_ed25519 is the Node-RED container's private key
    • is the Node-RED container's public key

      Those keys were created when you generated the SSH key-pair for Node-RED.

      They are unique to Node-RED but will follow the container in backups and will work on the same machine, or other machines, if you restore the backup.

      It does not matter if the Node-RED container is rebuilt or if a new version of Node-RED comes down from DockerHub. These keys will remain valid until lost or overwritten.

      If you lose or destroy these keys, SSH will stop working.

      You can recover by generating new keys and then re-running ssh-copy-id.

    • known_hosts

      The known_hosts file contains a copy of the Raspberry Pi's public host key. It was put there by ssh-copy-id.

      If you lose this file or it gets overwritten, SSH will still work but will re-prompt for authorisation to connect. This works when you are running commands from docker exec -it but not when running commands from an exec node.

      Note that authorising the connection at the command line ("Are you sure you want to continue connecting?") will auto-repair the known_hosts file.

  • in ~/.ssh/:

    • authorized_keys

      That file contains a copy of the Node-RED container's public key. It was put there by ssh-copy-id.

      Pay attention to the path. It implies that there is one authorized_keys file per user, per target host.

      If you lose this file or it gets overwritten, SSH will still work but will ask for the password for «USERID». This works when you are running commands from docker exec -it but not when running commands from an exec node.

      Note that providing the correct password at the command line will auto-repair the authorized_keys file.

What each file does

SSH running inside the Node-RED container uses the Node-RED container's private key to provide assurance to SSH running outside the container that it (the Node-RED container) is who it claims to be.

SSH running outside container-space verifies that assurance by using its copy of the Node-RED container's public key in authorized_keys.

SSH running outside container-space uses the Raspberry Pi's private host key to provide assurance to SSH running inside the Node-RED container that it (the RPi) is who it claims to be.

SSH running inside the Node-RED container verifies that assurance by using its copy of the Raspberry Pi's public host key stored in known_hosts.

Config file (optional)

You don't have to do this step but it will simplify your exec node commands and reduce your maintenance problems if you do.

At this point, SSH commands can be executed from inside the container using this syntax:


A config file is needed to achieve the task goal of the simpler syntax:


A config file does not just simplify connection commands. It provides isolation between the «HOSTNAME» and «HOSTADDR» such that you only have a single file to change if your «HOSTADDR» changes (eg new IP address or fully qualified domain name). It also exposes less about your network infrastructure when you share your flows.

The goal is to set up this file:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root ~/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/ssh/config

The file needs the ownership and permissions shown. There are several ways of going about this and you are free to choose the one that works for you. The method described here creates the file first, then sets correct ownership and permissions, and then moves the file into place.

Start in a directory where you can create a file without needing sudo. The IOTstack folder is just as good as anywhere else:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ touch config

Select the following text, copy it to the clipboard.

  hostname «HOSTADDR»
  user «USERID»
  IdentitiesOnly yes
  IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_ed25519

Open ~/IOTstack/config in your favourite text editor and paste the contents of the clipboard.

Replace the «delimited» keys. Completed examples:

  • If you are using the «HOSTFQDN» form:

    host iot-dev
      user pi
      IdentitiesOnly yes
      IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_ed25519
  • If you are using the «HOSTIP» form:

    host iot-dev
      user pi
      IdentitiesOnly yes
      IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_ed25519

Save the file.

Change the config file's ownership and permissions, and move it into the correct directory:

$ chmod 644 config
$ sudo chown root:root config
$ sudo mv config ./volumes/nodered/ssh

Re-test with config file in place

The previous test used this syntax:

$ docker exec nodered ssh «USERID»@«HOSTADDR» ls -1 /home/pi/IOTstack

Now that the config file is in place, the syntax changes to:

$ docker exec nodered ssh «HOSTNAME» ls -1 /home/pi/IOTstack
  • Example:

    $ docker exec nodered ssh iot-dev ls -1 /home/pi/IOTstack

The result should be the same as the earlier test.

A test flow


In the Node-RED GUI:

  1. Click the "+" to create a new, empty flow.
  2. Drag the following nodes onto the canvas:
    • One "inject" node
    • Two "exec" nodes
    • Two "debug" nodes
  3. Wire the outlet of the "inject" node to the inlet of both "exec" nodes.
  4. Wire the uppermost "stdout" outlet of the first "exec" node to the inlet of the first "debug" node.
  5. Repeat step 4 with the other "exec" and "debug" node.
  6. Open the first "exec" node and:

    • set the "command" field to:

      grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" /etc/os-release
      - turn off the "append msg.payload" checkbox - set the timeout to a reasonable value (eg 10 seconds) - click "Done". 7. Repeat step 6 with the other "exec" node, with one difference: - set the "command" field to:

      ssh iot-dev grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" /etc/os-release
  7. Click the Deploy button.

  8. Set the right hand panel to display debug messages.
  9. Click the touch panel of the "inject" node to trigger the flow.
  10. Inspect the result in the debug panel. You should see payload differences similar to the following:

    PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.11"
    PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"

    The first line is the result of running the command inside the Node-RED container. The second line is the result of running the same command outside the Node-RED container on the Raspberry Pi.

Suppose you want to add another «HOSTNAME»

  1. Exchange keys with the new target host using:

    $ docker exec -it nodered ssh-copy-id «USERID»@«HOSTADDR»
  2. Edit the config file at the path:


    to define the new host. Remember to use sudo to edit the file. There is no need to restart Node-RED or recreate the container.

Upgrading Node-RED

You can update most containers like this:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker system prune

In words:

  • docker-compose pull downloads any newer images;
  • docker-compose up -d causes any newly-downloaded images to be instantiated as containers (replacing the old containers); and
  • the prune gets rid of the outdated images.

This strategy doesn't work for Node-RED. The local image (iotstack_nodered) does not exist on DockerHub so there is no way for the pull to sense when a newer version becomes available.

The only way to know when an update to Node-RED is available is to check the nodered/node-red tags page on DockerHub.

Once a new version appears on DockerHub, you can upgrade Node-RED like this:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose build --no-cache --pull nodered
$ docker-compose up -d nodered
$ docker system prune

Breaking it down into parts:

  • build causes the named container to be rebuilt;
  • --no-cache tells the Dockerfile process that it must not take any shortcuts. It really must rebuild the local image;
  • --pull tells the Dockerfile process to actually check with DockerHub to see if there is a later version of the base image and, if so, to download it before starting the build;
  • nodered is the named container argument required by the build command.

Your existing Node-RED container continues to run while the rebuild proceeds. Once the freshly-built local image is ready, the up tells docker-compose to do a new-for-old swap. There is barely any downtime for your Node-RED service.

The prune is the simplest way of cleaning up old images. Sometimes you need to run this twice, the first time to clean up the old local image, the second time for the old base image. Whether an old base image exists depends on the version of docker-compose you are using and how your version of docker-compose builds local images.

Customising Node-RED

You customise your local image of Node-RED by making changes to:


You apply a Dockerfile change like this:

$ cd ~/IOTstack
$ docker-compose up --build -d nodered
$ docker system prune

The --build option on the up command (as distinct from a docker-compose build command) works in this situation because you've made a substantive change to your Dockerfile.

Node.js version

Out of the box, IOTstack starts the Node-RED Dockerfile with:

FROM nodered/node-red:latest-12

The -12 suffix means "node.js is pinned at version 12.x.x". That's the latest version of node.js that Node-RED currently supports.

If you want to check which version of node.js is installed on your system, you can do it like this:

$ docker exec nodered node --version

In the unlikely event that you need to run an add-on node that needs version 10 of node.js, you can pin to version 10.x.x by changing the first line of your Dockerfile like this:

FROM nodered/node-red:latest-10

Once you have made that change, follow the steps at apply Dockerfile changes.

Adding extra packages

As well as providing the Node-RED service, the nodered container is an excellent testbed. Installing the DNS tools, Mosquitto clients and tcpdump will help you to figure out what is going on inside container-space.

There are two ways to add extra packages. The first method is to add them to the running container. For example, to add the Mosquitto clients:

$ docker exec nodered apk add --no-cache mosquitto-clients

The "apk" implies that the Node-RED container is based on Alpine Linux. Keep that in mind when you search for instructions on installing packages.

Packages installed this way will persist until the container is re-created (eg a down and up of the stack, or a reboot of your Raspberry Pi). This is a good choice if you only want to run a quick experiment.

The second method changes the Dockerfile to add the packages permanently to your build. You just append the packages to the end of the existing apk add:

RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache eudev-dev mosquitto-clients bind-tools tcpdump

You can add as many extra packages as you like. They will persist until you change the Dockerfile again.

Once you have made this change, follow the steps at apply Dockerfile changes.

Adding extra nodes

You can install nodes by:

  1. Adding nodes to the Dockerfile and then following the steps at apply Dockerfile changes.

    This is also what will happen if you re-run the menu and change the selected nodes, except that the menu will also blow away any other customisations you may have made to your Dockerfile.

  2. Adding, removing or updating nodes in Manage Palette. Node-RED will remind you to restart Node-RED and that is something you have to do by hand:

    $ cd ~/IOTstack
    $ docker-compose restart nodered


    • Some users have reported misbehaviour from Node-RED if they do too many iterations of:

      [make a single change in Manage Palette]
      $ docker-compose restart nodered
      [make a single change in Manage Palette]
      $ docker-compose restart nodered

      It is better to:

      [do ALL your Manage Palette changes]
      $ docker-compose restart nodered
  3. Installing nodes inside the container via npm:

    $ docker exec -it nodered bash
    # cd /data
    # npm install «node-name» /data
    # exit
    $ cd ~/IOTstack
    $ docker-compose restart nodered


    • You must put the /data onto the end of the npm install command. Any formula you find on the web will not include this. You have to remember to do it yourself!
    • See also the note above about restarting too frequently.
    • You can use this approach if you need to force the installation of a specific version (which you don't appear to be able to do in Manage Palette). For example, to install version 4.0.0 of the "moment" node:

      # npm install node-red-contrib-moment@4.0.0 /data

There is no real difference between the methods. Some nodes (eg "node-red-contrib-generic-ble" and "node-red-node-sqlite" must be installed by Dockerfile but the only way of finding out if a node must be installed via Dockerfile is to try Manage Palette and find that it doesn't work.

Aside from the exception cases that require Dockerfile or where you need to force a specific version, it is quicker to install nodes via Manage Palette and applying updates is a bit easier too. But it's really up to you.

If you're wondering about "backup", nodes installed via:

  • Dockerfile – implicitly backed up when the Dockerfile is backed-up.
  • Manage Palette or npm install – explicitly backed up when the ~/IOTstack/volumes directory is backed-up.

Basically, if you're running IOTstack backups then your add-on nodes will be backed-up.

Node precedence

Add-on nodes that are installed via Dockerfile wind up at the internal path:


Add-on nodes installed via Manage Palette wind up at the external path:


The Compose file volumes mapping:


implies that add-on nodes installed via Manage Palette are made available to Node-RED at the internal path:


Because there are two places, this invites the question of what happens if a given node is installed in both? The answer is that add-ons installed at:


take precedence over those installed at:


Or, to put it more simply: in any contest, Manage Palette prevails over Dockerfile.

Resolving node duplication

Sometimes, even when you are 100% certain that you didn't do it, an add-on node will turn up in both places. There is probably some logical reason for this but I don't know what it is.

The problem this creates is that a later version of an add-on node installed via Dockerfile will be blocked by the presence of an older version of that node in:


The script helps discover when this situation exists. For example:

$ ~/IOTstack/scripts/ 

Nodes installed by Dockerfile INSIDE the container at /usr/src/node-red/node_modules
  ACTIVE: node-red-admin
  ACTIVE: node-red-configurable-ping
  ACTIVE: node-red-contrib-boolean-logic
  ACTIVE: node-red-contrib-generic-ble
  ACTIVE: node-red-contrib-influxdb
  ACTIVE: node-red-dashboard
 BLOCKED: node-red-node-email
  ACTIVE: node-red-node-pi-gpiod
  ACTIVE: node-red-node-rbe
  ACTIVE: node-red-node-sqlite
  ACTIVE: node-red-node-tail

Nodes installed by «Manage Palette» OUTSIDE the container at /home/pi/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data/node_modules

Notice how node-red-node-email appears in both lists. To fix this problem:

  1. Move into the correct external directory:

    $ cd ~/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data/node_modules
  2. Create a sub-directory to be the equivalent of a local trash can:

    $ sudo mkdir duplicates
  3. Move each duplicate node into the duplicates directory. For example, to move node-red-node-email you would:

    $ sudo mv node-red-node-email duplicates
  4. Tell Node-RED to restart. This causes it to forget about the nodes which have just been moved out of the way:

    $ docker-compose -f ~/IOTstack/docker-compose.yml restart nodered
  5. Finish off by erasing the duplicates folder:

    $ sudo rm -rf duplicates

    Always be extremely careful with any rm -rf, particularly when it is coupled with a sudo. Double-check your work before you press return.