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Writing documentation

Documentation is is written as markdown, processed using mkdocs (docs) and the Material theme (docs). The Material theme is not just styling, but provides additional syntax extensions.

Setup your system for Material:

pip3 install mkdocs-material
pip3 install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin

To test your local changes while writing them and before making a pull-request:

cd ~/IOTstack
mkdocs serve

Creating a new service

In this section you can find information on how to contribute a service to IOTstack. We are generally very accepting of new services where they are useful. Keep in mind that if it is not IOTstack, selfhosted, or automation related we may not approve the PR.

Services will grow over time, we may split up the buildstack menu into subsections or create filters to make organising all the services we provide easier to find.


  • service.yml file is correct. To check that it parses correctly and doesn't have port conflicts with other services by running:
    ./scripts/ --check
  • file is correct
  • Service allows for changing external WUI port from Build Stack's options menu if service uses a HTTP/S port
  • Use a default password, or allow the user to generate a random password for the service for initial installation. If the service asks to setup an account this can be ignored.
  • Ensure Default Configs is updated with WUI port and username/password.
  • Must detect port confilicts with other services on BuildStack Menu.
  • Pre and Post hooks work with no errors.
  • Does not require user to edit config files in order to get the service running.
  • Ensure that your service can be backed up and restored without errors or data loss.
  • Any configs that are required before getting the service running should be configured in the service's options menu (and a BuildStack menu Issue should be displayed if not).
  • Fork the repo and push the changes to your fork. Create a cross repo PR for the mods to review. We may request additional changes from you.

Follow up

If your new service is approved and merged then congratulations! Please watch the Issues page on github over the next few days and weeks to see if any users have questions or issues with your new service.

Python development

Running python source code tests:

  $ pip install -U --user pytest
  $ python -m pytest
Static Python type checking:
$ pip install -U --user mypy
$ mypy scripts
